Colorado Department of Human Services – Staff Development Division
SNAP Financial Eligibility Desk Aid
This is a desk aid that lists the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) monthly financial eligibility standards. I created the initial draft in Microsoft Word and the final version in Adobe InDesign utilizing a table insert. Due to the amount of information to display on one side and our design standards of a minimum font size of 14, I created this desk aid to fit a legal-sized rather than a letter-sized document.
CBMS Case Communication Desk Aid
This is a desk aid that highlights a February 2023 software build change with the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS). I created the initial draft in Microsoft Word and the final version in Adobe InDesign. A Storyset image with a communication theme was inserted to fill up extra whitespace.
SNAP Employment First Third-Party Partners Process Manual
This is a process manual covers the data entry steps required by SNAP Employment First Third-Party Partners to accurately report the program’s outcomes, demographics, and services to satisfy federal requirements. The initial draft was created by subject matter experts in Microsoft Word and I created the final version in Adobe InDesign. Screen grabs were made using Snagit.